Bahntrassenradeln – An European rail-trail directory

Bahntrassenradeln - Bahntrassenradwege in Europa

Schinderhannes-Radweg near Simmern, GermanyWelcome to "Bahntrassenradeln"! This is a private website collecting information about railway cycle paths in Europe with a strong focus on the German speaking area.
Rail-trails as a special form of greenways have become very popular during the last decades. In several European countries ambitious rail-trail programs have been established (in Spain, the francophone region of Belgium or as a part of the National Cycle Network in the United Kingdom for instance). All in all some thousand kilometres of converted railway lines are used as valuable cycle routes today.
Several regional, national and European authorities and organizations promote the development of greenways, and many efforts have been made to bring knowledge about these trails to the public – a remarkable example is the outstanding Spanish Vias Verdes website.
Nevertheless it is quite difficult to get a comprehensive overview about the full range of rail-trails. The trails are structured by country on this website, and interactive maps shall allow easy navigation. So I hope it will be useful for an audience not familiar with German, too. "Bahntrassenradeln" is the result of ten years' work – but it is far away from being complete: Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

Railway cycle-paths in Europe
(Click on the country codes for further information.)

country number of trails
planned trails last update
Austria 37 (290 km) 12 02.06.2024
Belgium 129 (1.050 km) 4 16.06.2024
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 (40 km) --- 04.03.2023
Croatia 3 (50 km) --- 22.04.2023
Czech Republic 23 (100 km) --- 26.05.2024
Denmark 56 (700 km) --- 10.02.2024
Estonia 5 (50 km) --- 04.03.2023
Finland 7 (20 km) --- 25.02.2023
France 270 (4.000 km) 1 26.05.2024
Germany 830 (5.637 km) 81 24.08.2024
Hungary 10 (70 km) --- 29.12.2023
Ireland 10 (20 km) 5 07.07.2024
Italy 73 (700 km) 2 20.04.2024
Latvia 5 (100 km) --- 04.03.2023
Lithuania 1 (3 km) --- 04.03.2023
Luxembourg 8 (150 km) 1 27.05.2023
Montenegro 3 (80 km) --- 22.04.2023
Netherlands 65 (280 km) --- 08.05.2021
Norway 21 (50 km) --- 06.04.2024
Poland 92 (1.100 km) 20 07.07.2024
Portugal 12 (220 km) 5 06.05.2023
San Marino 1 (3 km) --- 04.02.2023
Serbia 2 (2 km) 1 04.03.2023
Slovakia 3 (14 km) --- 21.01.2023
Slovenia 3 (60 km) --- 02.06.2024
Spain 138 (2.100 km) 3 25.03.2023
Sweden 135 (2.200 km) --- 10.02.2024
Switzerland 15 (40 km) --- 29.10.2023
United Kingdom 187 (1.600 km) 3 10.02.2024
  2.146 (20.729 km) 138  
other countries: world-wide      

Stand: 24.08.2024

Usefull links:
Top trails in Germany
List of tunnels and viaducts

Every trail in this directory is characterized using the following scheme (maximum set of items):

Country code and running number Name of the cycle path: Location
Short characterization, usually with information about the importance of the trail (local, regional, national); only trails I have visited are rated with up to four bikes
Synonyme: Other names used for the cycle path, different spelling
Streckenlänge (einfach): Length of the trail (one way), sometimes with the length of sections using the former embankment
Höhenprofil: Altitude at the start, end and distinctive points of the trail
Oberfläche: Surface (asph. = tarmac, wg. = non tarmac)
Status / Beschilderung: Access restrictions (traffic signs: road closed for motorized vehicles, cycle path, foot path), sign posts (local or as a part of a long distance cycle route)
Kunstbauten: Former railway tunnels, bridges or viaducts now open for cycling
Eisenbahnstrecke: Number of the railway line / course; length of the railway (gauge in mm)
Eröffnung der Bahnstrecke: Opening of the railway
Stilllegung der Bahnstrecke: Closure of the railway: last passenger [Pv] / freight [Gv] train, official date of abandonment ("Stilllegung"), dismantling of the rails
Eröffnung des Radwegs: Opening as a cycle path
Planungen: Sections that will be established as cycle paths in the future
Besonderheiten: Special busses for bike transport parallel to the rail-trail, public cycling events, and sights along the trail (art, remarkable information sites)
Route: Detailed course of the trail
Details: Links (this website) concerning the same cycle path: route information, photos, and short-cut link to the interactive map
Verweis: Links (this website): route information when the rail-trail is part of a long distance cycle route
Externe Links: Links (other websites) about the rail-trail or the former railway
Last update

Die Tourenbeschreibungen und begleitenden Angaben wurden mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt zusammengestellt. Für ihre Richtigkeit kann jedoch keine Gewähr übernommen werden. Das Nachradeln der Touren geschieht auf eigene Gefahr.

Dieses Dokument (Texte, Grafiken und Fotografien) ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Eine kommerzielle Nutzung z. B. durch Fahrradverleihbetriebe oder Fremdenverkehrsorganisationen sowie die – auch auszugsweise – Veröffentlichung in elektronischer oder gedruckter Form bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung. Alle genannten Marken- und Produktbezeichnungen sind Warenzeichen der entsprechenden Inhaber.

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(c) Achim Bartoschek 2000-2024
Letzte Überarbeitung: 25. August 2024 /